DAS IST NICHT PHYSIK, DAS IST THEOLOGIE Theoretical physicist Melvin Vopson, University of Portsmouth (UK) has set out to “prove” that we are living in a simulation (11/21, The Conversation). This is an exercise in physical fundamentalism. David Chalmers, a leading philosopher in this field claims he is an atheist but says the simulation “hypothesis” (hypothesis NOT) has made him take the existence of God seriously. The simulation hypothesis would be impossible, he says, without the provocation of deceptive demons, indeed of an omnipotent and omnideceptive God. These sorts of theoretical excursions in physics mirror philosophy which proceeds in a world of logical and linguistic symbols without real world stop signs. If we can solve the hard problem of consciousness(and we can if we take off the blinders that keep us from seeing social life as a nexus...
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