I WILL BE PUBLISHING THIS WORK IN PROGRESS EMERGING OUT OF THE HOLOMOVEMENT OF MY CONSCIOUSNESS PARAGRAPH BY PARAGRAPH AS THE MOMENT STRIKES ME CHAPTER 1. ALREADY, ALWAYS, EVERYWHERE, AND FOREVER There is no beginning and there is no end to the VOID. It is already, always, everywhere, and forever infinite in all directions. It is a plenum that seethes with potential in utter darkness. There is movement in stilllness, energy fluctuations that can without reason or cause in any sense humans can comprehend erupt creatively. Invisible ripples can suddenly become focused, hot, and dense. Ripples become fluctuations, fluctuations get stretched out, and now they begin to erupt in hot and cold spots. And now we are the first moments – moments to small for humans to comprehend – leading up to The Creation. This is the measureable in principle but invisible to humans zero-point enfolded in the plenum for the elements of any and all Creations. ...