BONDAREV: For 20 years of my diplomatic career I have seen different turns of
our foreign policy, but never have I been so ashamed of my country as on
February 24 of this year. The aggressive war unleashed by Putin against
Ukraine, and in fact against the entire Western world, is not only a crime
against the Ukrainian people, but also, perhaps, the most serious crime against
the people of Russia, with a bold letter Z crossing out all hopes and prospects
for prosperous free society in our country. …
“I studied
to be a diplomat and have been a diplomat for 20 years. The Ministry has become
my home and family. But I simply cannot any longer share in this bloody,
witless and absolutely needless ignominy.”
diplomat Boris Bondarev #ukrainerussiawar #society
This post led to the following conversation between Mike Takac, an engineer, and myself on LINKEDIN:
MT: The
best we can do in our modern day, as the world became a local neighborhood at
the individual level thanks to technology, is to become a diplomat in helping
to advance the evolution in global civility via the internet (a doorway to the
Wars will
continue, the task is to make them less bloody.
SR: If we rely on science and technology fixes, we're doomed. We may be doomed anyway, but science & tech fixes are not the answer. We are obliged to focus on social structural, cultural, and organizational causal forces.
Is there an evidentiary basis for your conception of "technology guided by philosophy?" This sounds like a tech-fix idea: The term technological fix, coined by technologist/administrator Alvin Weinberg in 1965, vaunted engineering innovation as a generic tool for circumventing problems commonly conceived as social, political, or cultural. A longtime Director of Oak Ridge National Laboratory, government consultant, and essayist, Weinberg also popularized the term big science to describe national goals and the competitive funding environment after the Second World War. Big science reoriented towards technological fixes, he argued, could provide a new "Apollo project" to address social problems of the future. Bejan's “physics is the science that covers everything” is an example of the "science fix" ideology. Society and Culture are sui generis and escape being FULLY comprehended by physics, biology, chemistry, or neuroscience.
only “Society and Culture are sui generis and escape being FULLY comprehended
by” the scientific method; but also, “physics, biology, chemistry, or
neuroscience” too cannot be “FULLY comprehended”. Hence, the evolution of knowledge.
The flow
to “FULLY comprehend” is the life of science to persist in time (to live)
[Life], it must evolve freely [Liberty] such that it provides greater access
[the pursuit of] to the pedagogic currents of nature via discovery [Happiness].
For the
most part, discovery results in a partial comprehension of nature labeled as
physical laws in nature often expressed in the language of mathematics, a
branch of philosophy. The ethical application of those physical laws
(“technology guided by philosophy”) enable humanity to fly above the clouds,
switch on a Zoom session converting the world into a local neighborhood. A new
variable in the human social and cultural equation, over the last number of
decades, in the evolution towards global civility.
evolution of society and culture are dependent on ethics; otherwise, extinction
is part of evolution. The key is to understand the science of evolution and the
ethical application thereof.
SR: We can keep this up all day and we won't come to a consensus about our human situation. This is so even though we are committed, highly trained, intelligent students of life, the universe, and everything. The reasons are:
1. Humans are one biological species at a superficial level; at a deeper level, we have evolved into different species-specific niches;
2. Culture is a speciating mechanism; so we are trying to communicate across doubly species-specific barriers-biological and cultural.
3. So while it looks like we are using the same language and concepts and communicating with different levels of success, this is an illusion. We are operating out of incommensurable worldviews.
Offered as an experiment in abnormal discourse; presumptive, corrigible, and without absolute conviction.
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